June 29, 2017

Testing | My Thoughts

I have always wondered what other homeschoolers do when it comes to State testing or testing in general. Once we decided to homeschool I started researching what was required in my state. In Oklahoma, state testing is required in public school but not required in homeschool. I felt at ease knowing my children would no longer have the stress of having to pass a test to pass a grade, even if they were making good grades in the class. This was one of the main reasons I chose to homeschool my boys. My oldest was going to be held back due to the fact that he struggles with tests, even though he had A's and B's in all of his classes. I also realized when the boys would bring home school work it was test review or test practice. It was never History, Science or just fun reading for a book report. It was always Reading practice or Math practice. So I started to question what was being taught when they were at school. I would ask them if they did any Social Studies or History at school and they would ask what that was. I would explain and they'd say no. I asked if they had Science they said no. It really made me question if they were getting anything taught to them other than what is on a State test. 

Now that we have homeschooled one year through elementary school I realize how much my kids were really missing out on with certain subjects not being covered. I find myself feeling that I have a lot of catching up to do for them. I want them to know everything they have missed out on and to make sure that I am giving them more than what they would have gotten had they continued in the public school system. 

So you may ask, if they don't do state testing how do you know that they are learning what you are teaching? or how do you know that they are on the same level as other kids in their grade? 

I as their mother and teacher am with them basically 24/7, what is taught in the school room doesn't just stay in our school room. I will teach a lesson and then throughout the day or next few days even months ask them about that topic as review. This is how I know that it has sunk in and that they actually are learning. I don't need a piece of paper with multiple choice or fill in the blanks to tell me my child has learned what I have taught. No test will show me what I see in my children daily when they are learning. 

These are my thoughts and how we do things in our homeschool when it comes to testing.
Do you test in your homeschool? What are your thoughts?

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