June 27, 2017

Homeschool Supply Must-Haves

From homeschooling through preschool and now with elementary school there have been several items that I tend to use quite often. So these are the top 10 items that I couldn't live without for homeschooling.

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This is a must as it makes reusing worksheets easier, because you can use them with dry erase markers. It also helps with hanging important things on the wall. There are just so many options and reasons to have a laminator on hand!

2. Dry Erase Board

I made my own and we use it daily! You can check out how I made it over HERE.

3. Pencil Sharpener

We have this one and love it! It is not automatic but it is the best pencil sharpener we have found. Pencils come out perfectly sharpened. The kids also can't over sharpen as once it's done it's done! We tend to sharpen a bunch of pencils at once so there are no interruptions during school time.

4. Lesson Planner
Reusable Teacher Planner   Image result for Lessontrek image

Last year I used this planner HERE but this year I plan to use Lessontrek as I want to be able to easily access it without carrying a binder around with me.

5. Computer/ Laptop

This comes in handy for teaching opportunities. We use it to watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. I also use my computer a lot to find teaching supplements on Pinterest.

6. Printer

I would not be able to homeschool without my printer. It is used daily! We are always making copies on it or printing out worksheets.

7. Hole Punch 

This goes hand in hand with my printer. I print a lot of items which means I need to hole punch them so that they can fit into a binder neatly!

8.  Pens

My favorite pens to use are the Papermate InkJoy ones. They last forever and I love that they come in so many colors! I love to be able to use different colors when helping the kids and also to let them have fun when working on worksheets and just writing in general. It adds a fun aspect to work.

9. Library Card

We depend on our Library a lot when it comes to reading time. It helps to be able to check out books we need for a couple weeks instead of purchasing them. My kids love being able to go to the library weekly and pick out books that they want to dive in to.

10 . Post-it Tabs

These come in handy when marking pages in books, planning for the school year, and my kids also use them when they need to mark something in their binders or workbooks.

These are our Top 10 Favorite must haves for Homeschooling!
Do you have any must haves that weren't listed? Share in the Comments!

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