January 19, 2017

Curriculum Changes

Homeschooling has been going great and I really have been enjoying teaching the boys!! 
We have had a few changes in curriculum as I felt my boys needed something different than what I had chose. 

My first change was to the History Curriculum. We started the year off using America From the Beginning.

 For my boys it was just over their head and boring. They really hadn't had much History type learning in Public School. So I wanted to change this to find a better approach to create a curiosity into History. They did not like the amount of reading that they had to do and the activities just weren't for them.

Easy Peasy

I decided to look for either something I could put together with activities for them or something that was already out their with the types of activities they enjoyed. I stumbled across Easy Peasy All in One Curriculum and decided to give it a chance. We decided to do the Early American History. It covers the same subject as the first curriculum but it has less reading and more fun for them. It has been a really great change and helped with the bored and empty looks I would get when it was time for History. 

Another subject we have just decided to change is our Science. We had been using the Answers in Genesis- God's Design for Life and while I liked it, I could just tell my boys were not enjoying it. I feel Science is one of those areas that should be fun and experimental and this curriculum just doesn't have that. It is very basic with reading and little activities.

I have decided I will piece ideas together from Pinterest and my own creativity and make my own curriculum. I want to really key into my boys interests. So we are going to start by studying the Solar System. They are excited to learn about the planets, constellations, and just have fun with Science.

I plan to really let them get hands on with experiments in the future as well. I hope to share more of our Science journey as I find new and fun things for them to explore.

With these changes History and Science are no longer boring and there are no more attitude issues about getting the work done. Plus we get to see more smiles and have a little more fun in our learning. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing on your journey. My boys are a year younger than yours (4th and 2nd grade this year). I have a hard time keeping them interested in history (probably because I don't find it interesting, LOL) and I am very excited about trying your suggestion. I will let you know how it goes.


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