December 29, 2014

100 Good Deads #DeedADay

Every time the new year rolls around the first thing I hear people talk about are resolutions. Some people make them to lose weight, to unplug and spend more time with family, or any goals they really want to accomplish. Usually these resolutions are forgotten after a month or so but this year I have found one that I know we can all uphold! 
This year, I’m setting a new kind of resolution and it’s all about doing good deeds. I’ve joined the #DeedADay movement and my goal is to wear my bracelet and do a deed a day. I’d like to encourage my readers to join with me. 
Imagine if we all did a good deed a day, what a better place the world would be.

A good deed means we’ve gone out of our way to help someone and only counts if the deed remains anonymous. Each time you do a good deed, move the ring on the bracelet closer to the button.

You can check out the movement HERE 
 Share this movement with your friends and family by using the social media links below!
Tag 100 Good Deeds on:

Twitter: @The1GDBracelet
Instagram: @The1GDBracelet

 The movement hashtags are #DeedADay and #1GD

This movement was created in hopes to influence us all to do good deeds for others!

To join the #DeedADay movement, share one of these images on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest using hashtag #DeedADay and tagging the 100 Good Deeds Bracelet. 
Images for sharing can be found HERE

Together we’re changing the world, one deed, one bead, one act of kindness at a time. 
The 1GD bracelet gives us 100 changes to be grateful.

If you plan to join this movement comment below! I hope all of my readers will join me!!!

I was gifted this 100 Good Deeds bracelet to review and share with my readers. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.

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