November 14, 2014

Black Friday Preparations

When shopping on Black Friday/Thursday there is a lot to get prepared for. Here are my tips from past years of shopping Black Friday. 

I always start with setting a budget. If money is no object than skip this step. For me having a budget keeps me from over spending and buying things I don't need. 

Once my budget is set it is time to start looking through all of the Ads that have leaked at this point. I never wait until Thanksgiving Day to start my planning. Start now. There are many sites online that share the leaked ads. My favorite is

At this point I start to make a list of items I need for gifts or things I have been waiting to buy. I list the item, the price, and the time the store opens. Some stores have their sales in shifts so this is important for me to know what time and what items are on sale during that shift. 

Another helpful tip I was given several years ago is to ask a Store Manager if they have a Black Friday Map. Some managers will share the layout of the store and where items will be, so by having that map available. You will be able to prepare even more for the rush and more likely to get the items you want. 

~Actual Day~

Be prepared for cold weather if you live in a state that gets cold. 
There are going to be long lines to get in the store and to get out of the store. 

If you can have a team of people with you, you will be able to get in stores and out of stores faster. You can split up and shop and then meet together to check out.

If you are in a team have a set meeting place for everyone ahead of the actual day. 

Have your checkout method ready when in line. There is nothing worse than being in a hurry and that one person in line isn't ready and is having to fish through a purse or pocket for credit card or money. This is not a time to even have a purse on you as the crowds are huge and they tend to just be in the way. If you can carry your money in your pocket or cards in your pocket that is best. 

Once you all have checked out head to the vehicles. If you are in a SUV bring blankets to cover your items. Theft is high during this time as they know most people out are shopping. 

And last but not least Have Fun! 
If you don't get the item you wanted that is okay. 
It's not like they won't ever have the item again.

A tip for those that hate Black Friday shopping most deals are live on store websites the Sunday before! 
I know I will be doing my Black Friday shopping online this year!
 No crowds for me this year!

Do you have any Black Friday Tips? If so comment and share! 

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