Austin is 48 months
Our Themes of the week were: Letter E, Number 6, Sight Word: is, Color Purple, Shape heart.
We started out week with adding our Letter of the Week to our coconut tree.
Then Daily we did our weather along with our weather song.
As well as our Day of the Week and Months Songs. And updated our Calendar daily!

The book the boys continue to choose daily is I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont. I love this book (thanks Kathleen for sending this to my boys)

He did 2 Letter E activities this week. A Letter E Collage made by me which can be found here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36524924/Letter-E-Collage
And we did a Letter E Craft making an Elephant.

We did our RRSP Letter E curriculum ( sorry for lack of pics, I couldve sworn i took more for this)
We did our Tracing papers for Letter E and the egg basket crafts is whats picture on the right.

He also colored a couple eggs for a Hide the Egg game!
I had to share the pic on the right as I loved his face when he found the last egg!

Our game of the week was Hi Ho Cherry-o! Great for practicing Counting!

A few pics I loved this week!
He thinks he is so funny and wanted me to take this pic so he could see it in the camera!

We enjoyed lots of outside play this week as we had weather under 100 degrees finally! So we were able to be outside without sweating!

Want to see what others did for Preschool this week?
Preschool Corner
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