June 21, 2010

We are moved!

Well we moved all weekend and are finally done today! Its been a very hot and miserable weekend but we managed! Ive started to unpack in the evenings but I'm sure it'll take me a week or 2 to get fully unpacked! I managed to unpack our school stuff today and the necessities for living have been unpacked since our first night here! We love our new house! I thought id post a collage of pics of the new place! Which of course I will update as we get settled and has our stuff in it!

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  1. Yeah! So glad you are getting settled in. Enjoy your new space.

  2. Thanks Beverly! Now if I could just get some motivation to do the unpacking!

  3. I hear ya. We have lived here for 3 years now... guess what I am pretty sure there are still some books under beds or up high in the closets I just haven't touched. (Guess I don't really need it huh?)

    Did y'all buy a new house? or renting?

  4. opps. I just reread my comment... didn't mean books under beds... BOXES under beds! :)

  5. That's how we were at our old house. It was a 2 bedroom duplex and we quickly outgrew it. So this time before we moved I got rid of things that we were holding on to that sat in boxes for a year and a half. I'm determined this time to keep the clutter out (we'll see if that really happens lol).

    We are renting, but will be staying here for a while.

  6. Good luck keeping out the clutter. lol. Let me know if you succeed... I sure haven't!

  7. So far we are staying clutter clear. Im making my self have a new philosophy if i see something that needs to be picked up do it right then instead of putting it off, It seems to be working so far lol then again it could be I just really like this house and im trying to keep it nice.


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