April 21, 2010

School Update and A New Adventure!

First I will start with a school update!
If you havent been to my friend Holly and I's site called ToddlerVille its a great resource for homeschooling Toddlers/ Preschoolers!

Now for what we've done this past week!

One thing we have started is using workboxes. D has the top 2 which i refill during the day to provide him with lots of fun learning. And A has the 3 drawers which he completes 1-3 in the morning and then I refill for the afternoon during nap time and he completes 1-3 again.
This has been working great for us we've been doing it for about a week and a half so far.

Heres a couple pics of whats in our boxes.
This was the end of the day activity something fun for A.
Tracing practice, A had circles and Letter A practice in this drawer.
A and D working on tracing there letter A and coloring there Alligator

Letter Matching: A had to match the uppercase and lowercase together. D matched colors instead of letters.
A working on an Alligator A Puzzle
D working on his Letter A painting sheet
A working on his painting paper
A doing his Mellisa and Doug See and Spell puzzles!
D worked on sorting pom poms and pouring them from bucket to bucket! Great motor skill activity!
We made Alligators out of paper

And we also made Alligators out of the letter A!
That was our school from last week! This week we are working on Letter B.

Now ive started a new adventure of Couponing! And im slowly becoming more and more addicted to clipping coupons! Last week i dropped our grocery bill from 160 to 115! Im hoping to drop it even more this week!
I will share my experiences with you all as i learn new stuff!

Also i have started using swagbucks! Its awesome you do random searches just like you would at google and you win points that can be used towards gift cards any other things! Im a hundred points away from being to my first Amazon gift card! My goal is to get enough to do my Christmas shopping this year with Amazon! Well see how that goes but its been an addictive yet fun adventure of starting if you are interested i suggest signing up and joining in on the FB fanpage and Twitter and u can even get free Swagbucks for using the code that they give u for free almost daily!
Click the banner to sign up!
Search & Win


  1. It looks like you had a fun week :) I love the alligator made out of paper!

  2. Very cute! Love both the blogs! I hope to do a lot of this stuff this summer with Karson. I am also going to do some stuff with Kaleb too.

  3. I love the alligator activities.


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